Monday Missive: January 4

What We’re Reading and Watching

  • BRIDGERTON!!! If you follow us on IG, you know how obsessed we both are with this show. Romance, stunning homes, over-the-top regency fashion, sexy dukes and an anonymous gossip? This show has everything! It is based on a romance series, so it gets very steamy as it goes on - don’t watch it with kids (or your parents)! - D

  • The Real Housewives of Dallas are back and still having me laughing. Kameron hasn’t gotten any more practical in quarantine, Mama Dee and D’Andra spent most of the time trying on wigs together, and we have a new, very promising housewife - Dr. Monica, a self-proclaimed tiger mom who also says that she’s better than Doogie Howser, and she has an over the top house and wardrobe. Love it! -E

  • While I was stuck in bed this weekend, I had fun doing some light reading with The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez. It’s written in a light and breezy rom-com style about Kristen, who is planning her best friends wedding and running a company that make clothes and accessories for small dogs, when she meets the best man, super hunky and sweet firefighter and best friends with the groom, Josh. Kristen is also coming to terms with health and fertility issues, which gives the whole situation more gravitas and depth and made me really root for her happiness. -E

What We’re Buying

  • Eloise put this set of Peter Thomas Roth masks into my stocking and it’s been so much fun to pick a different one out based on my how my skin is feeling! So far the charcoal and the gold ones are my favorites. - D

  • Our cousin gift swap made me very happy - one of my gifts was a notepad from one of my favorite companies - E. Frances! I love the large pads; they’re such a nice quality and they have the most fun preppy graphics at the top. - E


What We’re Making

  • On our recent holiday in Vermont, the rental house had fireplaces galore, so we took full advantage - one of our favorite moments was making s’mores in the outdoor fireplace! We made it “fancy” by putting the components on a tray, and pouring cocktails for the adults. It would also work with a fire pit, indoor fireplace or bonfire - I know Eloise and the girls do it at their fire pit with friends for safe outdoor get togethers! - D

  • I’m obsessed with the green juice recipe from Bonberi. I’ve been making one every morning in an attempt to get back into my normal rhythm after all of the holiday fun. I use about a cup of coconut water and a dash of regular water and then throw in a mini cucumber and some frozen baby zucchini to make it a little less sweet and a little thicker than the original recipe. -E