CURRENT/CLASSIC is written by two sisters, Eloise and Dinah, to share the classics that we love and what our favorites are currently. Inspired by a shared love of reading, pop culture and living with a mix of low- and high-brow, the blog shares our individual passions, favorite beauty and style trends, book recommendations and more.

Meet Eloise: Eloise lives in Maryland with her husband, three daughters and two dogs. She is obsessed with wallpapering her entire house, trying to force hair bows on her kids, reading and eating gummy candy (ideally at the same time). In any spare time that she has after managing all of that chaos and having Taylor Swift dance parties with her kids, she loves all things wellness related, from recipes to workout classes to self help books and anything else that GOOP recommends!

Meet Dinah: Dinah lives in Boston where her apartment’s high ceilings and river views fulfill her dreams of the perfect bachelorette pied-a-terre. Working in PR has made her obsessed with the media machinations of pop culture and a compulsive reader of everything - books, articles, blogs, social media posts. Her other hobbies include following every move of the British Royal Family, listening to Taylor Swift, reading YA fantasy series and eating far too much cheese.