Bravo Cocktail Party: March 12th

We have a lot of power hierarchies at play this week and it’s interesting to see how the different groups address them. On Real Housewives of Dallas, Tiffany reaches her limit on pushing herself to do uncomfortable things to make the other ladies happy, which is something that I so identify with! I’ve been on more than one girls trip where I got very tired of having to be “fun” and just gave up and got into bed to read a book and eat gummy candy in peace. Hopefully D’Andra’s shaman can refresh everyone’s hair extensions and spiritual vibrations in the next episode.

On New Jersey, we’re still at Lake George and Teresa is still attempting to dominate the group, but the ladies have just started letting her say what she wants about Jackie while they tune her out and go over their grocery lists or next selfie poses in their minds and then they all snap back when she’s done and continue the conversation as if she never spoke. It’s a very entertaining coping mechanism, and I hope that we can move past this fight next week and into more fun! Also, why I am so charmed by the NJ husbands?

The Kyle versus Hannah drama may never end on Summer House, since they both want to be king of the house. Maybe someone needs to make a PowerPoint about their problems to help them solve it? I love the fact that Stephen made Lindsay a relationship presentation to show how much he cares about her. Let’s see who made the invite list this week. (If you favorites didn’t make the list, you’re welcome to make a PowerPoint to argue your case!)

Photo by Bravo. Teresa has definitely embraced a wild fashion look this season that says that she’s single and ready to mingle. I love it, but it’s an amazing choice for a girls trip to the woods of Lake George.

Photo by Bravo. Teresa has definitely embraced a wild fashion look this season that says that she’s single and ready to mingle. I love it, but it’s an amazing choice for a girls trip to the woods of Lake George.

Who Didn’t Make the Guest List:

Teresa and Jackie: For two people who say that they’re over talking about their fight, they sure seem to bring it up a lot.

Stephanie: Guys, where is Stephanie this season? She has popped in from her interviews to give her analysis of what Brandi’s feeling, but I feel like she has been so quiet and I miss her! Does anyone have any theories about this?

Brandi: I was so relieved that she finally realized that her discomfort around Tiffany was her own problem and not something that she should put on Tiffany, but it took her a long time to get there. She also seems so calm that it’s almost flat and…medicated? It’s all concerning and I want her to take care of her mental health while also being kind to Tiffany.

Hannah: She continues to be the worst. She did apologize to Amanda once Amanda apologized first, but I didn’t love her tone in that conversation. And then she kept bad mouthing Kyle to Amanda while also acknowledging to Amanda that it was putting her in a bad position. I’m also a little suspicious of this Des character that she’s dating on the show and engaged to in current times. He seems maybe a little thirsty-does anyone else get that impression?

Kary: I’m torn on Kary this week. I liked that she invited Tiffany over for a one on one and I was also into all of her pets. I was very jealous when she said that she slept until noon because I can’t remember the last time that happened to me. Seriously-that is wild! It annoyed me that she had to keep telling Tiffany how rude it was that Tiffany left the trip early-it seemed so petty and immature! Obviously Tiffany was upset and she didn’t need to keep criticizing her. But then I felt like she and Tiffany talked through it and she actually had some sympathy for Tiffany, so maybe it all came out okay in the end and they’ve reached a better place.

Photo by Bravo. The fall out from the lake jumping continues this week in Dallas

Photo by Bravo. The fall out from the lake jumping continues this week in Dallas

Who Made the Guest List:

Jennifer: I’m so excited to see her being super drunk in the next episode. I’m not sure that says good thing about me, but it’s true! Maybe I’m missing parties and letting loose a little too much.

Marge: I’m excited that she has a book deal! We shared the cover on our Instagram and I bet she has some great stories to share. She seems like the kind of person who will let it all hang out and really spill the tea, plus I love her dry sense of humor.

Melissa: I want Melissa to come to my pool party and take selfies on a swan all night. That was so entertaining.

Amanda: I was very impressed that she extended the olive branch to Hannah and helped them move past their fight. It’s so awkward the way that she’s always stuck in between Hannah and Kyle-as Paige said, they are both drama queens who want to be the center of attention. Paige is also really taking everyone on in her confessionals this year which is cracking me up.

Luke: The basket pulley he made to lower beer from the kitchen to the pool was the most important contribution he’s ever made to Summer House.

Lindsay and Danielle: Their determination to be rowdy and not stop until they fell down the stairs was signature Summer House. I was also amazed that Lindsay was considering reconciling with Stephen after their fight and I’m open to that. Lindsay seems to have a very idealized view of what she wants her romantic relationships to look like and I want her to find lasting happiness and maybe learn to compromise a little (but not too much!

Stephen/Stravvy: A relationship Power Point is just my kind of jam.

D’Andra and Mama Dee: I love that Mama Dee is a staunch Tiffany defender. I also love D’Andra’s take on her mother’s belief that whenever people don’t like her, it’s because they’re jealous. That seems very on brand for Mama Dee and D’Andra’s amusement with that is also very on brand.

D’Andra’s Shaman: He does extensions and sages your house and leads shaman circles? How do I get his number?