Weekly Bravo Cocktail Party: December 11

All good things must come to an end, and as I watched the season finale of Potomac this week, I thanked the Potomac producers for all that they’ve given us this season and especially for that footage of Michael in the last five minutes. I’ll say it again, he really is the worst! We also had the premiere of Atlanta, and it was interesting to watch the different ways that those ladies, the ladies on the RHOC, and the Southern Charmers deal with the pandemic. I can’t say that I’m mentally in a place where I enjoy watching people on the hunt for toilet paper, but I appreciate the work that these ladies put into filming themselves and making sure that the show goes on even in the face of a global shutdown.

Photo by Bravo. Michael Darby is working hard to be the least likeable person on Potomac.

Photo by Bravo. Michael Darby is working hard to be the least likeable person on Potomac.

Who DIdn’t Get an Invite:

Austen and Craig: Of course these two dingleberries were the first people on Southern Charm to get Covid. The way that they were flaunting the rules and partying and not wearing masks in the last episode was so annoying, and I get why Madison is so disdainful of Austen at the point. He can’t even stand up to her when she’s being mean to him, so they really need to move on and find other people to date.

Danni and Kathryn: This fight was very awkward all around. Danni is usually so understanding with Kathryn, but Leva got her all wound up so that she was good and mad at Kathryn when she finally showed up. We’ve all had a friend like that, so I get the frustration and hurt that Danni was feeling (because of course Kathryn was even late to their discussion about how she’s a bad friend!). Kathryn was totally mystified by this attack, which I also kind of got, since it’s such a complete 180 from the way Danni usually is with her, so they got nowhere.

Cynthia: I usually love Cynthia, but I’m not sure how much tolerance I have for bridezilla behavior right now.

Meredith’s husband whose name I can’t remember: Wow those were some awkward scenes between the two of them. He doesn’t seem to get that she’s tired of moving, that she’s happy in SLC and on a show that’s set is SLC, so she can’t just move to whatever random city he finds a close out deal (please note that I have absolutely no idea what he does, except that it involves chasing deals and moving to Ohio). The way he turned it around on her, saying that she was valuing her career over their family, when in actuality she’s moved many times for him and his career, was so sexist and really bothered me.

Shannon: I just have no patience for her drama this season.

Braunwyn: When Braunwyn didn’t know how to work her own washing machines, I lost all sympathy for her. How can someone with seven children literally not know how to work her own washing machines? Even if she has all the money in the world and two nannies, that is just crazy.

Candiace: I just can’t find anything to like about Candiace, period. She is like a petulant and spoiled toddler.

Michael Darby: This episode saw the complete unraveling of the Michael Darby redemption tour that he’s been on for the past few episodes. Once he heard that Juan was proposing to Robyn, he seemed to lose his mind. He should definitely consider never drinking again because it seems to lead him to very bad places. I don’t think he meant to start a fight with white Chris, but once it started, he handled it like an idiot. Then to storm into production and yell at people and refuse to stop. It was all kinds of crazy and I was there for it when Ashley yelled at him to stop because he was embarrassing the f- out of her. Truer words have never been spoken. Why she is having a second child with him and hasn’t run for the hills is beyond me-she deserves better!

Photo by Bravo. Porsha has made it to the center of the peach line this season!

Photo by Bravo. Porsha has made it to the center of the peach line this season!

Who Made the Guest List:

Porsha: I loved the flashback showing how far Porsha has come in her time on the show. I thought that the segment on her protesting for Black Lives Matter was very well done and I was so impressed to see how much she’s grown and I love that she’s made it to the center of the peach line up this season!

Robyn and Juan: Congratulations to these gorgeous lovebirds on their engagement! I’m wishing them all the happiness and bachelor and bachelorette parties that are free of Micheal Darby and Candiace.

Wendy: Her over the top reaction to their engagement was adorable!

Emily: She’s very good at filming herself and she’s really been bringing her A game to confessionals this season. I loved watching Shane vacuuming and seeing her try to teach her children how to clean. I also laughed out loud when she said that she thought it was so rude of the ladies to dig up dirt on Elizabeth but that she would also be happy to review those documents if they wanted a legal opinion.

Craig: I know that he’s on my naughty list for his quarantine antics, but I was also so proud of him for his HSN appearance and how well he did. Austen should really take a page from Craig’s book. Craig knows that he’s disorganized and lazy, so he’s smart enough to partner with people who’ll manage him and make sure that the company is a success. Plus, he’s just so sweet.

Leva: I don’t envy Leva’s job of bringing the cast of Southern Charm into the modern age. That’s a lot of work for her to do, but I think she’s doing a wonderful job and is so likeable. I also think they should make Venita a cast member-if you don’t follow her on Instagram, you should be! I love her style.

Heather: The more I see of Heather, the more I like her. I think she was genuinely trying to broker a peace between Mary and Jen, which was impossible because they’re both crazy in their own way, but she did her best. I also thought the scene in the kitchen with her daughters showed that they have a solid and open relationship and that they really do love bacon.

Whitney: The scenes with her father and her brother were so sweet and I really hope that her father does well. I also loved when Mary yelled at her about being young, and she said “I am thirty. And you ladies are old as f- and acting like you’re ten.” It was so perfect.

Mary: Guys, Mary is wild. I’m not sure what was happening in that weird room filled with racks of clothes, bookshelves with shoes and piles of stuff on the floor. I don’t know why her housekeeper brought her a tray of food from another room into the kitchen and every bowl and cup was covered in saran wrap. I’m not sure what her husband/grandfather said because I couldn’t understand a word that came out of his mouth, and maybe that’s the secret to why they’ve been able to be married so long. I think it’s clear that she’s coming from a very damaged place, and I love her wild facial expressions and wacky fashion choices, and I genuinely felt for her when she was saying that she knew their relationship was weird and that it hadn’t been an easy choice to make but that she decided to trust her grandmother and God when she made the decision to do it. It’s all totally crazy but I’m fascinated by it!