Weekly Bravo Cocktail Party: September 18th

We’re at the end of another season of RHOBH, and I have to say that I’m happy to be saying goodbye to these ladies for a while. Beverly Hills has a problem that I think will only be solved by a major cast shake-up. All of the ladies have such a tight control over their images and they’re never willing to expose themselves to any criticism, so we aren’t seeing their families, their real relationships, or business struggles. They want to keep themselves at arms length, but then each season they seem to select one person to attack for not “being real.” Let’s be honest, no one on this franchise is being real at the level that we see in New York or in Potomac. When Denise told Lisa Rinna that she was willing to share her text chain with Brandi if Lisa was willing to share the texts between herself and Denise, she immediately said “No, that’s private” one second after yelling at Denise that her texts with Brandi were fair game. It was so hypocritical and also so indicative of the show’s issues. This may be radical, but I would get rid of Teddi, Erika, and Lisa Rinna and keep Kyle, Dorit, Garcelle and Sutton and then add in some people who are actually willing to be open and share their real lives.


Who’s Not Invited:

Ramona: Agh, she is so terrible! Her hair, her dress, her sense of superiority, her ordering a crew member to bring her a mask rather than walking back to grab her own. I did love her lack of patience with Dorinda and she was spot on saying that Dorinda thinks if she says something loud enough and often enough that it makes it true.

Monique: This was a bad episode for her and I love Monique, so at this point I’m worried about her and wondering what’s really bothering her. She seems like she’s so angry and I think there’s something that’s really bothering her and it’s being misdirected at Candiace. Could it be an issue with Chris?

Below Deck Med: I’m done with this season! I’ll take Bugsy and Alex and Aesha and leave everyone else on the dock. Malia and Tom and Rob and Jess are grumpy and not good TV.

Lisa Rinna: I was so over her trying to call out Denise for not being transparent when she herself is so opaque. We see nothing real about her marriage or her relationships. She gives us carefully curated conversations with Amelia Grey, which veer between exploiting her daughter and giving her a platform to build her own brand. While I think Amelia’s sharing of her issues is brave and real, I think it’s something Lisa has strategically chosen to show. I’d like see the texts between her and Denise and see what she’s really saying behind closed doors because I don’t think we’re getting any realness from her on camera.

Michael Darby: He’s still the worst human being ever.

Who Made the Guest List:

Karen: Karen taking shots was the best thing I’ve seen in a long time. I wish it was a weekly occurrence!

Chris and Candiace: I thought they were so cute together in this episode. I loved the way he made fun of her and she laughed and I thought she genuinely tried to do better by Ashley and to avoid conflict with Monique.

Sutton: Her comments made me laugh, but they didn’t make me forget how much money she spent on really terrible clothes this season! I like that her fashion isn’t bland and perfect and playing it safe-it seems like it’s how she actually dresses in real life.

Dorit: I love her hair and her refusal to jump on the attack Denise bandwagon.

Tinsley and Leah: They did a great job making their points in the reunion and I only wish that we’d had more time with them together on the show. When Tinsley said that Dorinda’s problem was her inability to admit that she was wrong, she was spot on. And when Leah called out Ramona, it was equally good! Also, did anyone gasp at the flashback of Ramona yelling at Luann on the boat! I hadn’t realized how much Ramona’s face had changed over the years until we saw that season one version juxtaposed with this year’s version.