Weekly Bravo Cocktail Party: August 7th

This week marks the return of Real Housewives of Potomac! If you aren’t watching this show, get out there and do it-it’s so good! In this opening episode, we saw Karen admitting that her marriage is rocky, Monique walking around with a bird on a leash that she’s attempting to potty train (?!), Gizelle is back with her ex-husband and her kids are not into it, Robyn is trying to force an engagement on her ex-husband, Candiace is celebrating her one year anniversary with a cash bar party, and Ashley is afraid of literally everything now that she has a baby. Also, they looked gorgeous while doing all of those crazy things-these ladies really deserve a medal. 

On RHOBH we delved deeper into the Denise situation, and I have to say that I don’t think she came off very well. Dorit, however, is having a great season! On Below Deck Med, we said goodbye to my favorite sweetheart, Kiko. Should we see who got invited to the party this week and whose denim and diamonds outfit got them sent home?


Who’s Not Invited:

Candiace: Her judgement was questionable all over this episode. Why was she trying to pick fight with Giselle? Why was she wearing that terrible outfit for her anniversary party? Why would she have a large one year anniversary party full of strangers? Why would she have a large one year anniversary party full of stranger with a cash bar? Why would she ask her mother and Karen to give marriage advice toasts at that party? I’m very concerned.

Captain Sandy: How could she fire Kiko?? I feel like she could have helped him grow by teaching him and encouraging him-she didn’t need to let him go. And the fact that she replaced him with Malia’s boyfriend makes it all seem like producer machinations that he really didn’t deserve.

Rob and Jess: Please break up and get super awkward because I would much rather watch that.

Denise: She started out the episode well, with the heart to heart with Dorit and Garcelle after dinner and then finally addressing the awkwardness between Erika and Aaron and discussing it and putting that issue to bed. But as much as I like her and want to believe her side of the story with the Brandi situation, I didn’t feel like she was very convincing in her denial and her finger pointing at the other women. As the ladies noted in their confessionals, she seemed to be going back and forth on whether or not she was friends with Brandi, and could just be that being put on the spot is just so uncomfortable for her that she loses the ability to argue coherently, but it did seem a little fishy.

Sutton: If someone gave me a very heavy, very bedazzled rain boot while I was on a trip to Italy, I would be so annoyed. Seriously, do you think any of the women took those home or did they all leave them in their hotel rooms? I honestly can’t see anyone but Kyle ever wearing those boots. Also, her shirt at dinner was so poufy and wild. She needs to break up with her stylist.

Dorinda: Here’s the thing. Ramona is terrible, but it doesn’t mean she’s wrong about Dorinda’s drinking and anger. It’s been making everyone uncomfortable all season and it needs to be addressed. My theory is that she never fully processed the trauma of Richard’s passing, and she’s working through it now, but it’s showing up as anger and bullying. The ladies have been patient enough with her and I hope that they can find a way to address it and help her move forward, but I’m not optimistic that she’ll take it well.

Who Made the Guest List:

Kiko: He is such a sweetheart, and it broke my heart to hear him crying in his bunk after getting fired. And crying in the kitchen. And crying n the confessional. His food is a reflection of his emotions and I hope he’s feeling better these days and his food is all happiness and rainbows like he deserves. 

Monique: I was a little taken aback that her storyline this episode centered around potty-training, but then my mind was so blown by her potty training a bird and a nine month old, that I decided that I was all in on it. That was crazy in a good way, right? I’m also happy to see her being friends with Ashley and with Karen and I hope that continues.

Karen: The grande dame is back in Potomac and finally being open about her relationship difficulties-I’m excited for both!

Dorit: Dorit showed up approximately one hour late for dinner because she was getting glam and taking pictures of herself in her outfit, and not only did the other ladies not bite her head off, they applauded her and joked about whether or not the outfit was worth it. That is a serious Jedi mind trick she has pulled on those ladies, and I’m impressed. We also saw that she went back to Denise’s room after the first dinner because she has a good radar for who’s cool (Denise and Garcelle) and who isn’t (Teddi). Her joking take down of Sutton buying their affection and goofing around with the terrible tiaras while shopping also won me over.

Luann: Her ability to stay calm and to find something to laugh about in the midst of the fight between Ramona and Dorinda was impressive-even when Dorinda started going off, she she did her best to bring the conversation back to calmer waters. She looks amazing in a swimsuit and managed to even laugh about a volleyball hitting her smack in the face. I think this might be the first season where I have genuinely liked Luann!