Bravo Cocktail Party: April 10th

This week, we got to see a lot adults behaving like spoiled children. On Real Housewives of New Jersey, we had Joe Gorga having what Melissa called a “toddler temper tantrum,” when she didn’t wait for him so that they could walk from the restaurant to the car together. That was a ridiculous thing for him to get upset about, but I think the subtext is that he thinks she’s too into herself and her fame and her work and he misses the days when their marriage was all about her catering to him and taking care of him.

On Real Housewives of Dallas, Kary was acting out (again) and this time it was about attacking the Bigfoot Hunter who came to entertain them by criticizing his hunting, the size of his manhood, and swinging a large machete at him. Yikes! That was so uncomfortable and I was glad that Stephanie called her on it right there.

In Summer House, we had Hannah and Des acting like horny teenagers who are trying to be cool, and having one minute sex in every room of the house. Honestly, I found it incredible performative and embarrassing-what is wrong with Hannah this season? Also. how can she be engaged to that guy?? And did you think our other lovebirds Danielle and Robert were cutely awkward together or just plain uncomfortable?

Photo by Bravo. Kary’s insuling Stephanie’s guest and it isn’t a good look.

Photo by Bravo. Kary’s insuling Stephanie’s guest and it isn’t a good look.

Who Didn’t Make the Guest List:

Kary: On their trip to Oklahoma, Kary drank a lot and then was very rude to the nice man who came to entertain the women with tales about Bigfoot. She was all worked up about him hunting turkeys and kept yelling at him about that, in addition to implying that he was small down below, and somehow getting ahold of a machete and swinging it in his direction. It was so uncomfortable to watch her treat this man so poorly. I was cringing! Stephanie was almost in tears over the whole thing and kept telling her to stop it and to apologize, but nothing worked that night. The next day, Kary was remorseful but only when Brandi told her that Stephanie had been crying about it. Kary felt badly that she made Stephanie upset, but she didn’t seem to regret the really rude way that she treated their guest. She was all over social media this week, apologizing for her behavior, but that doesn’t seem genuine to me. I’m officially ready for her to be off the show. Is anyone else?

Des: I am so not into this guy. He seems very thirsty-he wants the attention and the screen time-otherwise, why would he want to get busy in every room in the house, announce that he and Hannah did things on Kyle and Amanda’s bed, and tell everyone at dinner the first night that he and Hannah had f-ed on the second date? He’s not trying to make friends or a good impression with that behavior, that’s for sure. And the fact that Hannah is so into him gives me major concern about her.

Photo by Bravo. Carl and Paige 4eva!

Photo by Bravo. Carl and Paige 4eva!

Who Made the Guest List:

Stephanie: Stephanie had an actual storyline this week on RHOD and I was so happy to have her back! I think this trip she has planned to Oklahoma is very sweet and I love that she wants to do country casual things to get the girls out of their comfort zone but without making fun of people. The way that she stood up to Kary was great, and watching her pump gas into the RV was also amazing and just the kind of Housewives hijinks that I love.

Tiffany: The fact that she packed multiple umbrella hats to go fishing and actually wore them was everything.

D’Andra and Brandi: I was so impressed that they could both drive an RV (with varying degrees of success).

Frank Catania: Why is Frank ordering his bagel scooped? Is he really that worried about carbs? I would think he would need something to support all of those muscles.

The Party for Nonno: That was such a sweet send off for Teresa and Joe’s father. The pictures that Teresa organized, the speeches, the way everyone got all dressed up in white, the whole thing. Teresa and Joe’s love for their parents is incredible sweet and the one thing that they never waiver on. I was glad to see their dad get such a nice celebration of his life without any drama.

Joe and Melissa: Their fight this week made me sad because I really root for them as a couple. Joe can definitely be a bit of a neanderthal sometimes, but I do think that he really loves his wife and family. I hope that he can evolve and grow with the new Melissa and support her desire to be more independent and successful in her own right.

Paige: Watching Paige get emotional about her relationship with Perry this week was notable because there was such a lack of drama. Reading between the lines, it seems like Perry has refused to be on the show at all, even for a dinner one night, which means that they haven’t been able to see each other for all of filming. Paige is very hurt by that, and talking to Hannah about it (who actually gives her very good advice!), but she can’t find a way to voice those concerns to Perry in a strong enough way that he understands how upset she is. That says something about their dynamic, and I hope that Paige is able to find her voice. I would also be happy if she dumped Perry and made out with Carl.