The Weekly Bravo Cocktail Party: May 15

Who’s Not on the Guest List This Week?

  1. Dayna/Max/Brett: This is the worst love triangle in history. The guys are consistently gross, sexist and ugly. Dayna had a good start, but her commitment to stand up comedy and to telling Brett how handsome he is, even when his ridiculous poodle hair is a lame substitute for a personality has made me turn on her. Their conversations about each other and themselves at the various pool parties this week were the final nail in the coffin for me. Please tell me they won’t be back next season!

  2. Jax: Something is definitely going on with Jax right now that’s making his anger even more bleak than usual. The cast seems to agree that it’s because he’s no longer the center of attention after his wedding, but that’s something that happens to lots of brides post big day without them turning to rage texting, three a day workouts and general spiraling.

  3. Tom Sandoval’s tragic fedora at their pool party.

  4. The dynamic between Lisa Rinna and her daughters: The interactions Lisa had with her daughters at the show and the way that she hijacked their fashion shoot and made it all about her was very concerning to me. Usually her need for attention is entertaining but when the spotlight is supposed to be on her daughters and one of them is in a fragile spot, it makes me so uncomfortable to see her pulling her usual tricks.

  5. Dorinda: Her anger towards Tinsley is so uncomfortable and out of control! She can be so great when she’s not talking about Tinsley, and I appreciated what she was saying about growing and being on her own, but when the conversation veers towards Tinsley she totally loses her cool and becomes way too Jax-like. But I am glad that she finally broke up with John!


Who Got an Invite This Week?

  1. Denise: Some people are saying that she’s getting the bitch edit this season, but I’m loving her second season energy. She is “Denise F’ing Richards” and let’s acknowledge and salute that! I like that she’s not pretending to be so chill and above the drama and instead wading right into it.

  2. Kyle: What’s happening to Kyle this season? I’m wondering if now that LVP it gone, it’s made Kyle the only OG and therefore more of a target for the other women. Her relationship with Lisa Vanderpump protected her somewhat from the other women, both because the women perceived them as having a pact to protect each other which made it difficult to take either of them down, and because out of the two, the other women liked her best. Now that she doesn’t have that, the other women are really calling her on everything, and let’s face it-her friendship with Teddi isn’t doing her any favors. Even though Teddi tried to defend her in a reasonable way, the other women are so dismissive of Teddi that it didn’t do any good. And now that she’s on Denise’s bad side, I’m guessing that we haven’t seen the end of the drama for Kyle this season!

  3. Ariana: She’s another person who usually refrains from engaging directly in the drama, but this week she went for it-hosting an alternate party to Jax’s pool party, throwing Katie under the bus to Brittany for coming up with the idea, and talking shit about Stassi. Plus she actually rented tents and furniture for her sad yard and tried to make it look fun. She’s also just so pretty!

  4. Tinsley and Martin: Was that scene at the boxing studio the best five minutes of my week? Martin sure knows how land some zingers, from Dorita and Tinsdale to being Tinsley’s emotional support boxer, to his amazing bandana. And Tinsley seemed to enjoy it all, which was a great look for her.

  5. Leah and Ramona: They both showed empathy and compassion for the other women this week.  Does it shock me to say that Ramona is being the voice of reason two weeks in a row? Yes, but I like it. And even though Leah really needs to commit to some paint on her walls (it would make her decor pop and really upgrade the look of her apartment), she is consistently great at bonding with the other women without kowtowing to them. Let’s all climb a tree!
