What I've Read Lately: Dinah

The last few months my reading levels have definitely fallen off! I’ve had a ton on my plate, but am finally settled into a good routine with my new job and reading more. My taste in books has definitely tended to the lighter, easier reads, but with a vacation and some flights coming up, I have so many on my list I am excited to read!

What I’ve Read

Matrix by Lauren Groff

This was definitely the densest book that I read recently, but it’s well worth the investment! Lauren Groff writes so beautifully and manages to make a book about an 12th century nun trying to make her abbey prosperous incredibly riveting. The way she weaves the outside world and changing tides of history is deftly done, and manages to make a commentary about feminism and repressed sexuality without being heavy handed.

It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey

I was in the mood for a Valentine’s Day romance, so I picked up this one about an Alexis Rose-type socialite getting banished by her stepfather to a small fishing town. The plot was very cute, but (and I mentioned this in an earlier post) - the sex scenes were horrible! Just the weirdest language and the worst descriptions - I have read many romance novels with not great sex writing, but this one had me actually laughing out loud. I actually do recommend this book, just skip the steamy parts!

The Therapist by B.A. Paris

This was a fun thriller about a woman who moves into a new house only to realize that a woman had been murdered there recently and that the rest of the neighbors in the small community are hiding something. I loved trying to figure out the relationships between the neighbors, what the secrets are and if Nina, the main character, was a reliable narrator.

A Lot Like Adios by Alexis daria

One of my favorite romances I have read recently! The plot is about two former best friends who have business that brings them together and forces them to look at why they fell out after an epic first kiss. With family issues and work complicating their reunion, it’s a charming story with a healthy dose of romance and sexual tension!

What I’m Reading Next

Greenwich Park by Katherine Faulkner

A twisty thriller about a woman named Helen who meets a woman named Rachel at her first prenatal class, an unpredictable single mother-to-be who doesn’t seem very maternal: she smokes, drinks, and professes little interest in parenthood. Helen is drawn to her, but as her behavior gets more erratic, the people around Helen begin to suspect Rachel is there for other reasons involving secrets long held.

State Change by Robin Berzin

I’m so excited to read State Change, which looks at how our bodies drive our minds, mood, and energy levels and how to take care of your body in ways that will help anyone attain a new baseline for energy, calm, and optimism.

#fashion victim

Set at a fashion magazine, editor Anya St. Clair had blazed a brutal path to success, but hasn’t achieve the one thing she wants, a friendship with the effortless Sarah Taft. When they go head to head for a promotion, Anya’s plan to win her friendship goes into overdrive, but friendly competition may turn fatal.