Weekly Bravo Cocktail Party: October 31

Southern Charm is back, and I was interested to see what it would be like without Cameran, Naomi and Chelsea (which is so upsetting to me—I was a huge Naomi fan and will always hope that she and Craig get back together). It seemed to me like Cameran was debating whether or not to come back to the show, but that Katherine spreading gossip about Cam’s marriage was the last straw and she decided against it. I was not happy to see T Rav back on our screens, and I hope that was just to explain Kathryn’s living situation and won’t be a regular thing. I think it will be key for the show to call them all out on their bad choices this seasons, and I already have a good feeling about Leva from her quick defense of Cameran and the previews of her checking Kathryn. Let’s see how we’re feeling about the other cast members and if any of them got an invite to our cocktail party this week!


Who’s Not Invited:

Shep: It looks like Shep got the note that everyone in the world thought he was a big fat jerk last season, so he decided to go to therapy and get a girlfriend. Much like Craig, I was impressed by those changes and thought he deserved a second chance. To demonstrate how much he’s grown, he decided to throw a Dumb and Dumber formal party and show everyone that he had changed by….behaving in the exact same way as last year. Oh Shep!

Kathryn: Following in Shep’s footsteps by blowing through the audience’s good will in one episode, Kathryn is back with Thomas and trying to spread rumors about Cameran that literally no one believes. When we see the montage of all the shit that Cam talked about her in past seasons, I totally get why she doesn’t like her. But Kathryn would have been a lot better off just pointing that out now that she’s the one still on the show, rather than trying to sling mud and failing. Also, why why why is she back living with Thomas???? I always want the best for her, but she makes it so hard.

Michael Darby: Was he even in this episode? I’m not sure but he’s still the worst.

Candiace: I honestly couldn’t understand what she was talking about when she confronted Karen. She kept saying that she just wanted Karen to condemn Monique’s actions, but I feel like Karen has been very clear that what Monique did was wrong. I think Candiace is trying to force everyone to take sides and to get Monique off the show as a power flex, and Gizelle and Robyn have never been big Monique fans so they’re happy to go along with it. Candiace would actually have more power and influence if she wasn’t so aggressive about demanding it, which we really saw in that conversation.

Gizelle: I have always been a big Gizelle fan-she’s so pretty and smart and a great mom! But something about her this season is really rubbing me the wrong way and I can’t put my finger on it. Is anyone having the same issue? I think it might be that she deserves better than Jamal, and like their daughters, I’m not buying into his being a changed man. I also don’t like the way that she’s using the altercation between Candiace and Monique as a way to judge Monique and cut her out completely, when she’s always been a little jealous and competitive with Monique. It feels too convenient for me.

Who Made the Guest List:

Emily and Kelly Imitating Shannon: How spot on where they? That was so funny.

Craig: Guys, I love Craig. His house is full of asbestos and he’s terrible at laundry, but he’s wearing dog pajamas, finding big success with his pillow company, and defending his friends from fake rumors. He was even willing to give Shep a second chance that I’m not sure he deserved, but that’s just another example of Craig’s big heart.

Michael the Butler: I feel like my life would be 1000% more attractive and happier if I had a Michael in it. What an angel of a man--he takes care of puppies, make gorgeous cocktails, and always has witty repartee ready to go.

Wendy: I didn’t love when Wendy got in the middle of Karen and Candiace’s talk, but I have to say that I was so impressed with her event. She was so intelligent and thoughtful on stage and I wanted to clap for everything that she said to the women about voting and being empowered. It was great to see her in her element and gave me a lot of respect for her.

Karen: I loved the way that she refused to be drawn in to the argument with Candiace and Wendy and just totally put them in their place!

John Pringle: He looks like a handsome southern lumberjack and I am here for it!

Gina: Okay, so Gina was brutal to Braunwyn in their conversation. And I really don’t think Sean meant anything creepy in the text that he sent her. But I liked how Gina put everything out there and wasn’t embarrassed to talk about how her house is much smaller than everyone else’s or how she has less money. She seems to have a lot of confidence in herself and where she is right now and to be in a much better place than last year.