Weekly Bravo Cocktail Party: September 11th

It’s reunion city around here! The second installment of the RHOBH reunion saw Kyle in the hot seat and how she reverts to calling everyone “fake” if they disagree with her. For the first in person reunion since the pandemic began, RHONY…..Potomac is continuing to be the hardest working show right now, even if Monique couldn’t be bothered to entertain the ladies while they were at her lakehouse. Watching them eat delivery pizza at the bar in her basement was one of the most horrifying housewives scenes ever!


Who’s Not Invited:

 Gizelle: Her attempt to stir up drama between Karen and Wendy was so overt that it was almost embarrassing for a professional shit stirrer. It’s to Wendy’s credit that she didn’t rise immediately to that bait and say something to Karen.  Between that and the insults at the “pageant” it felt like Gizelle was trying too hard.  I did love her messy pancakes and the fact that Candiace literally sprinted to the guest house in heels when she got that text because she was so excited to show it to Gizelle.

Monique: There is definitely something weird happening between her and that bird. Why was it in every single scene this episode?!? Even her husband is sick of hearing about T’Challa and I really can’t wrap my head around why someone with three little kids and a husband and businesses would be so attached to a flying…

Michael Darby: He’s literally the worst. How can Ashley be having another baby with him? 

Rob and Jess: As Malia said, they really are a downer of a couple. However, Malia seemed to be saying that it’s because Jess is shallow, and I think it’s because Rob is one of those people who think that they’re really deep but use that as a cover for being an asshole (please see Jessica’s Simpson’s analysis of her relationship with John Mayer for an example of this type of emotional tomfoolery).

Kyle and Dorit’s friendship: Wow, I had no idea that Dorit and Kyle stopped speaking after Kyle saw Dorit’s take on Kyle’s fashion show. Watching it back, Dorit did say some pretty critical things, however they were all spot on! Kyle cannot handle criticism in any form- EW take on Kyle’s little sister complex is so good. Dorit has really positioned herself as a middleman between Denise and Garcelle and the other ladies, and it will be interesting to see how that works for her next season when Denise and likely Garcelle are both done with the show.

Rinna and Denise: Lisa’s attempts to come at Denise really only make her look bad at this point. She needs to give that up and move on because she’s never going to get the clear answers that she wants, and I’m not even sure she’s entitled to them. And Denise-when you can’t even remember what you said about Teddi in your own confessionals and be bothered to come up with a good defense, I think it’s clear that this isn’t the right show for you.

Dorinda: It was interesting to see Andy call her out on her deflections whenever alcohol is brought up. Her attempts to bring the conversation around to Ramona and what a terrible person Ramona were incredibly blatant, but when Andy tried to get to the bottom of what caused that, all he could get out of her was that the topic made her very sensitive. Tinsley’s revelation that Dorinda’s deep hatred of her was based on John borrowing money from Scott was also very interesting. I’m convinced that John has something on Dorinda, and that there’s a giant secret circling around Dorinda that contains some mix of John, money, and alcohol/drugs, and the stress of holding onto that secret is what’s making her so miserable. I think Tinsley’s revelation was just the tip of issue, and that something really has its claws in the Dorinda that we love and it’s dragging her down and showing up as anger.

Ramona’s Hair Extensions: Very Britney, right?

Who Made the Guest List:

Karen: Her shade is perfection this season, and her confessional looks are so out there that I’m actually kind of into them. I love the way she is coming at Gizelle in her confessionals-I could listen to here talk about Gizelle’s terrible fashion sense all day.

Bugsy and Alex: Bye Bye Friendzone!

Aesha: The only reason I’m still tuning in to Below Deck Med is to hear her wild accent. The rest of the crew is terminally boring, but Aesha’s laugh gets me every time.

Dorit: She tried to throw Denise a lifeline by saying that she was on her side and believed her, but that Denise needed to clear up some inconsistencies in her story, like the one where she claimed that Brandi said she had slept with other women on the show. Unfortunately, Denise is terrible at defending herself and sticking to one story, but Dorit really did try. She also stood up to Kyle while attempting to salvage their friendship, and I think she came off as the reasonable one in that argument.

Garcelle: She only got a few words in, but her deadpan delivery had me laughing.

Leah: She’s definitely the MVP of the season, and the fact that she managed to stay on good terms with the other housewives while being on the receiving end of everyone’s accolades is an impressive juggling act in and of itself.

Tinsley: I was impressed that she came back for the whole reunion after being on the receiving end of Dorinda’s anger. She seems very happy with Scott and Chicago and it’s made her stronger—she was able to call the other ladies out on the way that they treated her and to get her point across without getting all squeaky and letting everyone talk over her. I wonder what would have happened if she had brought up her take on the real cause of Dorinda’s anger on camera at the beginning of the season-would that have squashed it or only fanned the flames? It’s probably something that she’s only comfortable doing now that she’s engaged to Scott and doesn’t have the pressure of interacting with the ladies on a daily basis. I would totally vote for a Real Housewives of Chicago starring Tins!