Monday Missive: October 5

What We’re Talking About This Week:

It’s the beginning of October and we’re ready for fall! We both had really busy weeks last week and spent a bunch of time this weekend trying to recover by bingeing Netflix and then going out on the town (Dinah), and baking and hosting an outdoor movie night (Eloise). Now we’re starting a new week and hoping that the cooler air motivates us to exercise outdoors, cook cozy soups for lunch and go to bed on time.


What We’re Watching:

Starting this summer, Eloise and I have been obsessed with all things France, so it should be no surprise that I am living vicariously through the new Netflix show, Emily in Paris. It is providing some major escapism and hope that some day soon moving to Paris and meeting men in cafes may be possible again! Plus some of the clothes are very good (others are very bad) in that fun, SATC way. I do wish that the main character wasn’t always winning with her social media campaigns and quirky hero speeches about how couture appeals to small town girls in Indiana, so that we as the viewers could be learning to be a little bit more French alongside her! -Dinah


What We’re buying

I saw a girl over the weekend wearing the chicest army green nail polish and immediately started looking for one. I usually stick to neutrals, pale pinks, reds and greys, but this feels like a cool-girl update to my palette that will still go with most of my wardrobe and carry me into fall, without being too “Halloween” or emo. I settled on the Essie’s Heart of the Jungle and am very excited to get this on my hands and share in Instagram stories! - Dinah

What We’re Cooking:

The girls and I made the hilariously named Slutty Brownies from What’s Gaby Cooking this weekend and they were amazing! One layer of cookie dough, a layer of Oreos, and then a layer of brownie batter (we cheated and used a mix), all baked together into the richest and most sugariest creation that I’ve ever tasted. The real revelation for me, however, was that I bought the pan that Gaby recommended using and it was life changing! It made the most perfectly shaped and cooked brownies ever-I’m not one for fancy pans or cooking gadgets, but this really was perfect (and on Amazon prime and less than $20). -Eloise

What We’re Reading:

I read Jasmine Guillory’s newest book, Party of Two, this weekend and it was very fun. But seriously, how does she write books so quickly? And they all have so much witty banter! She’s amazing. This book follows Olivia Monroe (sister of Alexa from The Wedding Date) as she moves to LA and has a chance meeting with a very well known, very handsome Senator. Romance, conflict, and witty banter about food follow. It’s a fun and quick read that was the perfect thing to relax with this weekend. -Eloise

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