Five Ways to Manage Stress: From Acupressure Mats to Margaritas

Life is throwing a lot our way right now, and when everything gets to be a little much, I tend to accumulate that tension in my neck and back. My neck gets so bad that I’ve ended up in bed for prolonged stretches of time-fun, right? Since getting into bed isn’t an option for me right now, with three kids running around the house like maniacs, I’ve been pulling out all of my stress management tools and investigating some new ones to try.

Exercise-It’s boring, but so true. Getting outside and getting exercise is the best way for me to relieve stress, get personal space and hope that those endorphins come flooding in. My doctor recommends gentle movement when my neck and back get tense, so I’ve been heading outside for a lot of walks (it’s also a great way to be alone, if you’re trying to escape family members in the house!). If you can’t get outside, or if you want more, I love the workouts at Melissa Wood Health. Melissa’s workouts are a mix of pilates, yoga, and other low impact exercise. Most are less than thirty minutes and her vibe is so positive and relaxing-just listening to her talk is relaxing.

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Acupressure Mat-The best purchase I’ve made to help me manage stress is this acupressure mat. When I feel my neck or back getting tight, I roll it out on the rug in my bedroom and lay directly on it for twenty to thirty minutes (unless I doze off, which tends to happen!). I’ve recommended it to countless friends and family and only heard positive feedback. Here’s a link to a great article explaining how the mats work.


CBD-I haven’t tried CBD yet, but I’ve read great reviews of Equilibria on Hello Adams Family and Lemonstripes, so I’m thinking about giving it a try. It’s supposed to help with stress and with sleeping, which would be perfect right about now.

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At Home Spa Time-Sometimes, a little pampering goes a long way. I recently ordered this face mask and this chic looking manicure and polish set and when they come, I’m planning to turn my bathroom into a spa with a candle, spa music, and some beautifying. Here’s a great article with more ideas for relaxing and sanity restoring self care. 


Margaritas and a Movie-Sometimes when I need to unwind, nothing sounds better than a margarita and a movie. Here’s my favorite light margarita option and here’s a new one that I’m dying to try. Then I’ll throw on a movie that I’ve seen a million times before but always makes me laugh-The First Wives Club or Four Weddings and A Funeral or anything with Will Ferrell. 

Let me know if you have any recommendations that I should try!