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Weekly Bravo Cocktail Party: July 9th

We’re back with a full slate after RHOBH and RHONY were on their summer breaks. The looks the ladies are bringing to their at home confessionals are wild-especially that crazy get-up that Leah debuted this week and the amount of make-up that Sonja has spackled on her face. Even Denise is filming at home, which makes me think that she really doesn’t just walk off completely when everything goes down. I hope she comes back for the reunion and fights it out with the women!

Who’s Not Invited:

Peter: Good heavens what is wrong with this guy? We don’t need to give him any more air time, as we know that he gets fired from the show which is great, but I wish he had been fired long before for the behavior he showed last night. The fact that the women try to work around it and just ignore it, shows how prevalent it is in the yachting industry and I want better for them. 

Aaron: Mansplaining. Ugh.

Elyse and Ramona’s Fight: Ramona is doing that terrible thing that she does where she treats people terribly who she thinks are socially inferior and Elyse is so spineless that she can’t even stand up to her consistently. It’s so sad to watch her come crawling back to Ramona while Dorinda tries her best to wind her up. At least Elyse was able to see through Dorinda’s angle, which made me have a little more respect for her.

Luann: She started out so well, giving Ramona advice while shopping and rolling around on the shark with the bed. It all falls apart, however, when Sonja and the women start to give Luann a hard time about not paying Sonja enough for her participation in the cabaret show. Luann appears to be pretty drunk, which is the first time I’ve noticed her being this way on camera since everything went down. She’s also incredibly defensive about not needing Sonja so that obviously struck a chord-she must have heard from so many people that Sonja was amazing on stage that it really needles her. She’s screaming about how she’s the star and yelling at Sonja in such a mean way. Leah says that she’s never seen this side of Luann, but the viewers remember it well.

Lisa Rinna: When she chased after Denise and Aaron, it seemed to me like she was more trying to keep the story line and drama going, then trying to be a good friend. She understands the housewives maxim that all fights should appear on camera, something that Denise seems confused about. I understand that Denise over the fight and doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, but has she ever seen RHOBH? These women live to talk about every detail until we all want to pull our hair out. If she wants to gloss over arguments and get a drink, maybe she should consider moving to NY? Rinna couldn’t wait to run back to the ladies and tell them that Denise was leaving Kyle’s to go to a strip club for a steak, but the ladies had their own pole in Kyle’s magical tent, and no one was going to stop Kyle or Rinna from showing off their skills!

Who Made the Guest List:

Bugsy: Our second stew is back and if the producers are trying to set her up as Hannah’s replacement, she’s definitely bringing her A game to audition for the role. She attempts to teach Jess about the finer side of yachting with napkin arranging class (which seems optimistic considering that Jess interpreted Hannah’s pronunciation of “serviette” as “soviet” which was either very oblivious or a cutting take down of Hannah’s attempts to work random French words into conversation as much as possible). Bugsy’s drunken escapades and freezing hot tub experience had me laughing too. Will further romance develop with Alex or was that just one very drunken night? I’m not sure, but I do love her easy friendship with Malia and look forward to seeing more of that.

Kiko: The way he pulled together that 72 plate dinner was amazing! I do think the guests were drunk enough to not be picky, especially given the way they inhaled grilled cheese and chips about an hour after the six course dinner, but I was still impressed with the dinner that he created-especially the lovely plating and presentation.

Rob: He is so sweet and sharing that story about his mother made me want to hug him through the screen.

Dorit: Her facial expressions during the fight with Aaron were enough to earn her an Emmy. The way that she was staring out into space and looked like she was having a complete out of body experience was wild. Seriously, what was going on there? I thought she was being genuinely thoughtful when she chased after Denise and Aaron and tried to share her first season learning curve that husbands never come off well when they get involved in an argument with a housewife. I was impressed that she and PK were self-aware enough to realize that, and I thought her intentions were good in sharing that experience, but nothing was getting through the wall that Denise and Aaron had built. 

Kim Richards: I love the Richards sisters when they’re together, they’re getting along, they both have terrible hair, and Kim is laughing at her own bad jokes. 

Sutton’s boyfriend Michael: He just wants to eat the salami! Good man. 

Bluestone Manor: How much would you pay to be a guest at the newly renovated Bluestone Manor for a weekend? Even though Dorinda has had it redone in an overwhelming amount of jewel tones and jazzy geometric patterns, it still has the same flavor of the olden days when Bethenny used to roll around on the floor naked. Never change, Bluestone!