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Weekly Bravo Cocktail Party: November 6

We’re one week out from the premiere of Salt Lake City, and I have to say that I am so excited for it! The drama on OC and Southern Charm feels very stale right now, and we seem to be settling into a permanent divide on Potomac, as the group minus Ashley and Karen seems to have permanently exiled Monique-a move that I am very much opposed to. I can’t tell if it’s just the stress of life right now that has me, or if these shows are really that disappointing-what are your thoughts? Even the newbies on the shows seem to be more of the same, with the exception of Leva, who I’m enjoying but I can’t figure out how she’s going to fit in with the rest of cast.

Who’s Not Invited:

Gizelle and Wendy: Gizelle is working hard to stir up drama between Wendy and Karen and I hope that Wendy gets wise to that soon before Gizelle’s pot stirring gets her run out of town. Trying to take down Karen by slamming her degrees down everyone’s throat, she just showed that she was totally missing the point. Karen isn’t saying that Wendy isn’t educated, she’s saying that she’s not an authority on whatever is going on with Monique. Wendy is so cute when she’s with her kids and she seems like a great mom-I would love to see more of that!

Kathryn: Am I too old to understand what’s going on with Kathryn’s look? She’s obviously gorgeous but I can’t understand why she’s spackling on make up and hair extensions and such costume outfits. Is this some sort of Kardashian-esque thing that I’m missing?

Austen: I want to like Austen. He’s cute and harmless and often treats women better than the other guys on the show. But his inability to stand up to anyone is so frustrating! He’s pushed around by his friends and his girlfriend and minimally focused on his career and the mom in me wants to shake him and tell him that he needs to grow a backbone and stop wasting his life, but I’m not sure that he has it in him.

Everyone on RHOC: Guys, I couldn’t like anyone on the OC this week except for Shannon and John’s children. The women were being so mean about Bronwyn’s alcoholism, but Bronwyn was being so self righteous and weaponizing her alcoholism, that it just was an all around no-go for me. I guess that the new girl was actually acting like a human about the situation, but I can’t even remember her name right now, so that says something else about her.

Candiace: Watching her visit a recording studio and get signed to a record label and then tell all the other ladies how traumatized and miserable she is was so jarring and frustrating to me. She’s milking this situation for every ounce of attention she can get, and I don’t know how her husband deals with her, as his reasonable reaction to Monique filing counter charges showed me that he has much more of a solid head on his shoulders.

Who Made the Guest List:

Patricia, Michael and Peaches: I would like nothing more than to have a livestream of their day running on my screen 24/7. I loved Pat’s casual evisceration of Austen and his lackluster business sense, and I want Michael to bring me martinis and fluffy puppies and then take them away when I’m bored.

Karen: I don’t know why everything Karen does this season fills me with such delight, but I loved the way that she told Wendy that she thought their argument was probably the result of a miscommunication, ie Gizelle trying to stir up drama, and then double down on her imitation of Wendy walking down the stairs by recreating it with so much flair that the other ladies joined in and everyone slithered around until even Wendy had to laugh.

Ashley: Talking about her postpartum journey was very brave and I loved that she showed that flag as “hint” of where they were going, probably with the full knowledge that no one would recognize it. Shading people’s familiarity of other country’s flags is just the kind of shade that I can get behind.