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Bravo Cocktail Party: April 16th

So many mediums, so little time this week! Between Teresa’s medium on the Real Housewives of New Jersey and Kameron’s pet medium on the Real Housewives of Dallas, we were all about communicating with the spirits and getting their guidance on sticky situations. In New Jersey, the medium was able to reassure Teresa that her parents were very supportive of her secret boyfriend, confirming what all of the women have suspected-Teresa’s dating someone! The spirits were less enthusiastic about Dolores’s current relationship, which didn’t seem to phase her at all. And they gave Jackie and Melissa kudos for doing a great job at life.

On RHOD, Kameron’s been very upset about moving and possibly leaving her deceased dog Louis’ spirit behind, but the medium was able to reassure her that Louis is fine with the move, planning to come with them, and doesn’t mind if Kameron gives his old clothes to their new dog, Fanci. Wow. I only wish they had a medium on Summer House to tell Des and Hannah that the spirits in their rental home were uncomfortable with all the PDA those two were packing in, but something tells me it wouldn’t have phased the couple at all.

Bravo Cocktail Party: April 16th

Photo by Bravo. Dolores deserves better!

Who Didn’t Make the Guest List:

Kary: At this point, the most surprising part of Kary’s story line on RHOD is that the other women are still friends with her! After giving a truly terrible apology to Charles, the Bigfoot Hunter whom she insulted in last week’s episode, she then pours salsa all over everyone’s beds in retaliation for Tiffany putting a “fart bomb” in her room. I can’t believe that I just typed that sentence. Honestly, can you imagine this happening on any other Housewives franchise? I love a silly hijink, but this just reads as immature and gross to me. Also gross-the mess that the women made in the rental house, the scene of them cleaning up the pig, and Brandi in the Bigfoot costume in the hot tub. Does anyone else sense a reboot coming on?

Hannah and Des: Their PDA fest continued this episode, except that instead of making out in every room of the house while no one was there, they made out in every room while people were there and trying to party. It was very awkward and uncomfortable to watch the rest of the group hanging out and having fun while Hannah and Des were whispering in a corner or ordering pizza for two. I get it if Des is older and sober and not that into partying with a bunch of younger drunk people, but I would also think he would want to try to make a good impression and show a little interest in the other housemates. I think Hannah interprets his rudeness as him being too into her to care about anything else, which exemplifies how self-centered and immature she’s been this season.

Photo by Bravo. D’Andra’s rocking some sexy square glasses while she talks about her father’s will.

Who Made the Guest List:

Kameron and Court: First, I loved the moment on the trip when Kam threw herself across the sheet that was covered in everything gross because she thought that would help her team win the Redneck Relay. It got even better when she reamed Kary out for putting salsa on her bed. But she really peaked when the dog communicator started telling them how Louis was reacting to the family having a new dog and Court leaned over and asked her if this was a dog seance, and Kameron replied totally seriously that no, this was just angel Louis talking to them. Umm, communicating with the dead is exactly what a seance is. But Kam is so good at living in her pink bubble (as Court describes it) and creating a reality that exactly suits her needs, that her husband and the rest of the viewers are happy to just sit back and enjoy it.

D’Andra: It’s so interesting that we just this week got the full backstory of D’Andra’s father’s will after hearing about it all season. It sounds like an insane situation-her father made an agreement with Mama Dee that he would give D’Andra his entire estate when he passed in return for never having to pay child support while he was alive?? But then he made another will, where he left everything to his second wife? And then D’Andra offered to split the money between herself and his son, but her stepmother declined that offer and they went to court over it and D’Andra won? This was a lot to process and I don’t imagine that the meeting between D’Andra and her stepmother is going to go well next week. Also, I love those wild red square glasses so much.

Teresa and Jackie: They were able to peacefully interact and move past their argument this week. Yay!

Jennifer: So, her nanny/housekeeper rant on Instagram wasn’t great, but I really feel for her with her family. She’s so kind and reasonable when she’s with her parents and sweet with her husband and it’s nice to see that side of her. I also started to understand where her mother was coming from this week, and I really want to get in there and give them both a hug when they were sitting by the pool and crying.

Dolores: When a medium tells you that you’re in a dead end relationship and you don’t bat an eye, but then you cry when she tells you that your dog loves you, I think that tells you everything you need to know about your current boyfriend. I agree with Melissa whole heartedly on this one-I want to see Dolores with someone who would die for her.

The Kentucky Derby Party on Summer House: We love a Kentucky Derby party at our house, and this was a good one! This show really knows how to put together a theme party built from Amazon boxes and outfits and I want to go to all of them. I especially loved Amanda and Lindsay racing around the driveway in the horse inflatables when their horses lost.

Danielle and Ciara: They are both so pretty and so normal and I’ve really come to enjoy their interviews this season.

Paige: Drunk Paige passed out fully dressed on top of her bed with a towel over her head and it was the best. I love it when Paige lets loose a little. And her Derby dress was insane in such a good way.