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Monday Missive: November 29

Thanksgiving was so much fun - I spent the entire week in Rhode Island and it was so great to get to have a change of scenery from the city. I cooked up a storm, shopped at some of our favorite local stores and threw a big birthday party on top of holiday celebrations. I can’t say it was especially relaxing, but it was definitely fun! - D

We were in Sea Island for the week, which was one of the most perfect family vacations that we’re ever taken. During the day, the kids were in heaven running between the pool and the arcade and the candy shop and activities like horseback riding, and Chad and I managed to get some down time at the spa and lots of walks on the beach. The evening activities like bingo, and the Fall Fest and the Christmas tree lighting were also scenic family memories in the making. (I even managed to sneak in a little Christmas shopping with my MIL!) -E

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What We’re Reading and Watching

  • While we were traveling, I didn’t have time to watch very much tv, but I did manage to read two books! Lizzie and Dante by Mary Bly is about a group of Americans who travel to Elba (the island in France where Napoleon was exiled). Lizzie, who is dealing with a very difficult diagnosis, escapes the fancy yacht side of the island and goes to the local beach, where she meets a local chef and his teenage daughter. This was a wonderful book full of complicated characters, and it really made me want to go to Elba-I laughed, I cried, and I ignored my children splashing in the pool and driving other people crazy because I was so engrossed in the book. -E

  • I also read The Survivor’s Guide to Family Happiness by Maddie Dawson, and Nina, the main character, was also someone who was given up for adoption. The adoption theme was not something that I planned but was kind of ironic on such a family centered trip and holiday, so it was extra poignant. Nina has just lost both of her adopted parents and her boyfriend and is now trying to figure out where she belongs in the world. Hijinks ensue, which also involve romance and teenage daughters (wow, these books are actually very similar in many ways but it’s also a great read!). -E

  • I was also disconnected from TV watching (except finishing The Great!), but last week I did manage to watch The Princes and the Press on BBC, which honestly I was not very impressed with. The reporter leading it is known for disliking the monarchy, some of the reporters that were interviewed are basically mega Meghan and Harry stans (which isn’t a bad thing, but also doesn’t make them a balanced opinion), and several of the very well respected journalists that were interviewed have publicly said they wished they weren’t involved. I’m going to watch the second half tonight, but the internet rumors are that it had to be heavily edited after recent developments in Meghan’s court cases. Yikes! - D

What We’re Buying

  • While we were on Sea Island, we stopped by a few shops, including Two Friends, where I wanted absolutely everything and which might have been my platonic ideal of a store. If you are ever in the area, you need to go! I also got this shirt at Sara Campbell and wore it to bingo that night, and wearing something within twenty four hours of buying it, is a sign of a good purchase to me. -E

  • I finally ordered my Christmas cards, so please cross your fingers for me that the mail works in my favor this year and I’m able to get them out quickly (which would be the opposite of last year, when I mailed the cards on December 5th and was very proud of myself and still no one in New England got them until the end of January)!. The cards are from Dogwood Hill, which I talked about in this post last year, and are really cute, so I’m hoping they actually make it out into the world in 2021. - E

  • At OMO Jewels & Gifts, I picked up this very cute red and white set of candles - they always have the best striped candles there! I also bought a set to have as a gift, I don’t know who for, but I’m positive I will find just the right person. - D

What We’re Making

  • I made nothing this week, unless you count making dinner reservations and Christmas lists, haha! We did have a lot of fun starting to decorate the house for Christmas when we got home on Sunday-every year it’s slightly different and I’m excited to fuss with it more this week. - E

  • For the family party, I decided baking was not where I wanted to spend my energy so I ordered two (!!) cakes from Sift, the flourless chocolate (which was amazing) and the lemon olive oil - which was unexpected and so delicious! - D

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