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Monday Missive: April 5

After a wonderful weekend with lots of family and festive cooking, we’re back to reading, trying to combat eye puffiness and stocking up on sunglasses for summer.

Monday Missive: April 5

What We’re Reading and Watching

  • I’ve been reading Every Vow You Break by Peter Swanson, which has been a creepy counterpoint to all of the cheery holiday fun, but I couldn’t put it down. Abigail lives in New York and is engaged to Bruce, a picture perfect man with everything to offer. When she has a drunken one night stand with a mystery man during her bachelorette party in California, she never dreams that the stranger will turn up again back in her real life, disrupting her perfect wedding and honeymoon. I haven’t gotten to the end yet, but I’m so excited to figure out the mystery. -E

  • The Blonde Files Podcast on plastic surgery was so good. I’m normally not one to be too into plastic surgery as a topic, but when Arielle Lorre and her guest, Lorry Hill, were talking about procedures that big name stars have had done to achieve their current looks, and they really get into specifics, I was fascinated. -E

  • I’m reading The Charmed Wife by Olga Grushin, which is a kind of dark, feminist take on the story of Cinderella, and what happens 15 years after “happily ever after.” It’s definitely quirky, but I love the way it describes the fairytale world, the way it uses fairytale tropes to tell the story. and how it addresses the nuance of life that those stories miss. There is also the most hysterical subplot about Cinderella’s mouse companions, which sounds insane, but is so imaginative and funny. - D

What We’re Buying

  • I just got the cutest shirt from Crosby. I had never heard of the brand before, but I love their cheerful prints and wide range of silhouettes! I’m also coveting this dress.- E

  • I’ve been a little over-scheduled lately, but the Clark’s Botanicals Anti Puff Eye Cream has been a lifesaver for reducing the insane amount of under eye baggage that I’ve acquired from too many late nights. -E

  • I keep getting ads from Amazon about these Sojos sunglasses, and I finally gave in and bought a pair! They should arrive next week, and I will definitely share my thoughts on Instagram - I’m a little bit nervous about the gradient lens, but I saw them on other people and thought they looked so cute! - D

What We’re Making

  • We’re doing our first guest blog post this week with my amazing friend Shelby from Shellbees Kitchen! She shared a recipe for lemon-infused stuffed artichokes with us, and I have to confess that I made it yesterday because I was so excited to try it out. Our whole family agreed that it was insanely delicious, and I can’t wait to share with you all on Wednesday. - E

  • I know I’ve posted about these before, but last week I made a big batch of Chrissy Teigen’s Chicken Lettuce Wraps, one of my all-time favorite recipes of hers. These are such a crowd pleaser, and easy to adjust based on tastes - I always add in more veggies. The recipe also makes enough for a few meals, so if you are a single person or kid-free, it’s a great one to make that will last you a few days with leftovers. - D