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Fall Wellness Reading: Two Gurus I Love

The end of summer is a great time to take inventory and do a reset. We are all getting back to routines, with some people going back to the office and their commutes, and others adjusting to all of the varieties that “back to school” is taking. I’m personally struggling with some resurfacing anxiety about the future now that I’m back to real life. With students and families coming back to  the city, it feels much more crowded and risky, plus it’s a big shift to go from living with other people to being on my own again. I want to make sure that I am taking care of myself and have been prioritizing exercise, sleep and seeing friends while the weather is still warm enough to eat outside, but it’s definitely been a shift in my routine. 

Because of this, I’ve made it a point to really work on curating a reading/listening list to help me build new healthy habits. I’m rereading old favorites, and also seeking out new resources from wellness and spirituality experts that resonate with me in this moment. I’ve listed those experts and their various media that I am reading, listening to, meditating with right in hopes that it will help someone else to find their way through the beginning of this new season. 

Robyn Conley Downs

I discovered Robyn’s work through her podcast The Feel Good Effect. She is an expert in behavioral science and advocates making small shifts for lasting results, and my favorite mantra of hers “gentle is the new perfect.” She debunks the idea of women having and doing it all, and instead gives you tools to assess your mindset, prioritize what’s truly important and not get completely derailed if you face a setback. Her website has so many great extra resources too.

Reading: Her newly released book The Feel Good Effect

I just started this and I’m loving the emphasis on self-compassion and research-backed suggestions. Right now, I need that mix of motivation, but also reminders that I can’t be perfect all the time. Since Robyn has so much  research expertise her advice is backed by science, and really focuses not on just changing your habits, but changing the way that your brain works to really lead to a happy and healthy life that is perfect for each individual person. 

Listening to: The Feel Good Effect podcast

One of the things that has sometimes turned me off about Robyn is her lovely, calm way of speaking. When I feel like I need a real kick in the pants, sometimes I want someone to yell at me, but Robyn’s podcast vibe is my vibe these days. She talks about life in a way that is real and also positive and her interviews are incredibly informative. 

Gabrielle Bernstein

Gabrielle is a big name in the meditation and spirituality world, and has been featured pretty much everywhere. I struggle to meditate every day, but I love that her books offer incredibly specific actions to take and meditations to do, along with mantras to do in the moment when you are confronted with a difficult situation or feeling. I’m slowly but surely working towards what she calls a “super attractor.”

Reading: The Universe Has Your Back

I reread this book in August, because I felt like I needed to come back into a busier city with a kinder outlook at other people. This book in Gabrielle’s book is all about harnessing the power of the universe to bring more positivity into your light and make meaningful changes. The part that has always resonated with me is trying to approach the world from a place of love and peace, which I think we could all use these days.  Do I still glare at people who aren’t wearing masks on crowded sidewalks? Yes, but it’s also helped me to reframe difficult situations and my personal relationships from a place of understanding and compassion. I love the mantras and that there are meditations in the book and that Gabrielle also has them all available as audio on her website for a guided experience. 

Listening to: Spirit Junkie and May Cause Miracles

I have both of these as audiobooks, so I have been listening to Spirit Junkie now while I clean and cook and on my long walks and am going to do May Cause Miracles next! Spirit Junkie is Gabrielle’s first book, so it’s driven by her personal experiences and spiritual journey. Some of the language is a little bit less accessible than her other books, but I love the message and the focus on breaking through from fear and putting an end to the internal narratives that we allow to hold us back.